Penetration Testing as a Service

Recurring Penetration Testing
Covers All the Bases

Concerned about price? It’s more cost effective than you think. Our recurring penetration testing model keeps prices reasonable while providing a more comprehensive view of your cybersecurity posture.

Professional Ethical Hackers. Real Results.

No, we don’t use AI to simply run a battery of pre-defined tests that offer nothing more than scan results. Raxis only employs US based, career professional penetration testers that use the real exploits and operate like a real hacker.

Powerful asset management

While PTaaS means Penetration Testing first, our managed pentest service also makes dealing with multiple systems and security vulnerabilities a little bit easier. Thanks to Raxis One, you’ll have a clear view of each security finding and details on how to resolve. Once you’ve remediated, you can kick off a retest to ensure the gaps are closed.

Time Travel helps you track progress

Raxis One offers a unique Time Travel feature that allows you to view your security posture at any chosen point in time. This game-changing tool simplifies the process of tracking changes in your environment over time. Don’t wait for an attack to happen – use Raxis One and stay one step ahead of potential cybersecurity threats.

Penetration Testing that Fits Compliance

When we set out to build a PTaaS or continuous pentest offering for Raxis, we had a lot of concerns around reducing quality and the impact that would have on our customers. Unlike many of our competitors, our solution remains audit approved as we make an attempt to exploit and provide a proof of concept as evidence.

The secret is our engineers

Through the power of Raxis One scanning, our system keeps an eye out to identify possible cybersecurity vulnerabilities. If something is found, Raxis penetration testing engineers step in to determine viability of the new issue, map an exploit plan, and make an attempt to breach your systems.

Request a Demo Today

Just like you, our elite cybersecurity professionals are looking for a great partnership. We never use high pressure sales tactics.