Social Engineering
Exploit Your Human Element
Social Engineering remains One of the Most Effective Hacking TECHNIQUES
Even the strongest cybersecurity defenses can be bypassed by exploiting the human element. Social engineering—manipulating individuals into revealing sensitive information or granting unauthorized access—has been the key to breaching some of the most secure operations in the world. These attacks often rely on simple but highly effective tactics, such as phishing emails, impersonation, or pretexting, to exploit trust and human error.
Highly Effective Hack
Employees are Victims
Social engineers use emails, calls, and texts to trick employees into sharing credentials through convincing requests or fake websites. Shared passwords across accounts can grant attackers access to internal networks, emails, and systems.
Data is the Target
Physical Security Assessments Show Real Results

Test the Human Element
Social engineering is a crucial aspect of a complete security penetration test.
Many of our clients are often shocked by how effortless it is for our team to obtain access. We utilize a variety of strategies that are specifically designed to persuade your team to provide us with access to your systems and data center.
Through these techniques, we are able to simulate real-world scenarios and identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in your security measures. Our detailed report will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your security posture and help you justify the need for increased cybersecurity investments.
Even the Toughest Security Defenses Will Fall Victim
Social Engineering techniques often get our foot in the door to launch exploitation tools or plant a remote access device.

Physical Social Engineering
Our first step involves significant research on your organization’s line of business, communication style, and employee behaviors. We’ll learn as much as we can about your group to find the most effective style of attack, and we’ll also work directly with your security team to ensure we’re targeting the areas you need assessed. Our attack plans range from using branded clothing easily obtained from local sources to creating fake credentials. In many cases, we’ll use no tangible physical items and simply rely on our communication skills to establish credibility with the targeted staff members.

Why Phish Your Own Team? Despite training and technical countermeasures, phishing continues to be a highly effective way to breach security defenses. Our team sends a convincing email to your organization in an attempt to gain user credentials and to measure the effectiveness of your security awareness program. From there we can use the credentials to attempt further system access or we can stop there. Either way your report gives you the details you need to train your team not to fall for a phish again.

Specialized Phishing
Other phishing techniques can be leveraged as well. Spear phishing uses highly targeted emails to gain information or access without triggering security countermeasures. In vishing, also known as voice or phone phishing, engagements, Raxis calls your team and attempts to convince them to give us access through passwords or other sensitive information. Smishing or SMS phishing is just another way that hackers attempt to gain information, and our team provides individual attacks as well as combined attacks including any of the above.

Follow Through: Finish the Hack
It’s not enough to just gain access. During Physical Social Engineering, our team attempts to clone employee badges to gain physical access to your buildings and even higher security areas such as data centers. Once in, we may install a device that allows us to prove we can access your internal systems remotely.
When performing Phishing, we attempt to gain access to company VPNs, email, or any other technology that we can leverage. This proof of concept is invaluable in justifying budgets or uncovering risks further inside the system.