Cybersecurity RED TEAM Services

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
-Mike Tyson

Cybersecurity gamification
helps you prepare for a real attack

Test the mettle of your best cybersecurity defenses against an arsenal of multi-faceted attacks from our elite Red Team. Our elite Red Team will challenge your defenses, pushing them to their limits and providing valuable insights for improvement.

Real-time, real-world, digital assault

Take a quick ride along with our Raxis Red Team to get an inside look of how a real cybersecurity red team assessment is done.

Raxis Attacks.  Raxis Protects.

Red Team Assessment: A game that you’ll win every single time you play it. Blended attacks and concierge engagement come together to reveal your company’s actual attack surface.

Let’s work together

Many customers use our Red Team to test the effectiveness of their Blue Team. We’ll work closely with you to orchestrate a real world cyber attack to ensure everyone is ready when the real attack happens.

Safe, blended attacks

While our Red Team’s real-world cyber-attack is highly effective at finding gaps in your armor, we take precautions to ensure your systems and data remain safe during this controlled simulation.

Interface with Raxis One

Your interface to your Red Team engagement is through our online customer management portal, Raxis One. Securely communicate with your Red Team or download your comprehensive report.

Physical security

In most of our Red Team assessments, physical security is deemed in scope to gain a full-inset view of every potential avenue of attack. We test physical security to ensure that intruders can’t gain access to your technology.

No holds barred

We’ll combine open source intelligence, dark web data, social engineering, our rock star pentesting team, and evasion techniques to safely test every aspect of your defense.

Experienced professionals

Raxis’ Red Team brings decades of clandestine experience to bear against your defenses. Certifications include the OSCP, OSWE, C|EH, GPEN, and many others..

Red Team Blue Team Purple Team


The cybersecurity field has adopted the terms Red Teams, Blue Teams, and Purple Teams to categorize various methods of evaluating and enhancing an organization’s security. These teams – Red and Blue – and their collaborative efforts – the Purple Team – greatly contribute to the cybersecurity process. They are instrumental in detecting and addressing weaknesses, ultimately strengthening the security posture of an organization.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why perform Red Teaming?

At Raxis, our Red Team takes your cybersecurity to the next level by simulating real-world hacker attacks. We use our expertise to evaluate your physical locations and operational systems, identifying any potential weaknesses that could put your organization at risk. Our team is made up of top professionals with a wealth of experience, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and comprehensive Red Team Assessment. Whether you’re a multinational corporation or a small business, our services can help you protect your valuable data and assets.

  • Should I wait to fix known issues before performing a Red Team test?

If you have implemented security upgrades that are nearing completion, it would be advisable to schedule a red team test afterwards in order to thoroughly test the effectiveness of your changes. However, in most cases, the best time to conduct a red team test is in the present. If your system has any known issues that have not yet been addressed, it may be due to budget constraints. In such cases, a Raxis red team can provide tangible evidence to your management team to demonstrate the urgency of these changes. Perhaps you have been delaying certain changes that may seem insignificant, but a Raxis Red Team will highlight how these seemingly minor vulnerabilities can combine to create a significant weak spot, giving hackers greater access than you may have anticipated.

  • What does it mean for a Red Team Assessment to be in timebox?

Though malicious hackers may have endless opportunities to try and infiltrate your systems, our Red Team Assessments are limited to a set amount of time, known as a timebox. Once the assessment is completed, we provide a report detailing Raxis’ accomplishments during the allotted time and recommendations on how you can better protect your environment against similar attempts by malicious hackers.

  • How often should I perform a Red Team Assessment?

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, it is crucial for companies to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to cybersecurity. That’s why Raxis highly recommends conducting a Red Team Assessment at least once a year. This thorough analysis will help uncover any vulnerabilities that may have gone undetected and allow your company to take proactive measures to strengthen its security. Furthermore, it is crucial to follow up with a penetration test 4-6 months after a Red Team to ensure that any identified weaknesses have been properly addressed. With Raxis by your side, you can rest assured that your company’s defenses are continuously being tested and strengthened to protect against potential breaches.

  • Is there a benefit to changing Red Team or Penetration Testing companies?

Although we do occasionally collaborate with organizations that adhere to this mindset, we are of the opinion that it is flawed. The concept proposes that various pentesters possess diverse backgrounds and capabilities, yet all pentesting companies are not equal. At Raxis, our pentesters possess impeccable credentials and expertise, continuously collaborating and exchanging cutting-edge information on emerging risks and breaches. Unfortunately, not all of our competitors can make the same claim. We strongly advocate for companies to seek out a reputable pentesting company like Raxis and entrust them to conduct thorough assessments year after year.

  • Is Red Teaming even legal? Do you ever break the law?

We prioritize following all legal regulations to the letter. Raxis contractual agreements are carefully crafted to clearly outline permissible actions versus actions that are not permitted. One of our core principles is to never intentionally damage or disrupt our clients’ systems. Instead, we strive to provide real-world examples of how a skilled hacker could infiltrate their defenses and educate our customers on methods to fortify their security. While some employees of our customer’s organization may not be fully aware of our activities, our customer management team is always fully involved and in support of our efforts.

  • Are there rules that Pentesters or Red Team Members follow?

At Raxis, our top priority is ensuring your system uptime and data integrity. Unlike malicious attackers, our thorough penetration tests are designed to stop short of causing any real damage. We take great care to obscure any data we gather as proof of access. Our team will also adhere to any parameters set by our clients, while still pushing the boundaries and exploring the limits of their systems’ security. We believe in providing reliable and effective penetration testing services to help protect your business from potential cybersecurity threats.

  • My application is cloud hosted. How can you penetration test/Red Team a platform that is hosted in the cloud or by a third party?

Once the scope has been determined and finalized, we collaborate directly with cloud providers to give them clear and accurate information about our actions and intentions. At Raxis, we have successfully completed a myriad of tests on various cloud platforms such as Amazon AWS/EC2, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Rackspace, and VMWare cloud. We have also gained a great deal of experience working with content delivery front ends like CloudFlare and Akamai. Whether it is highly advanced virtualization technologies or traditional setups, our experts at Raxis are prepared to properly perform your Red Team Assessment.

  • Why do you download and crack password hashes?

If no specific instructions have been given, our team will attempt to crack passwords as part of our evaluation process to gauge the effectiveness of password policies and enforcement. This may also involve using compromised passwords to access other systems, resulting in a simulated data breach on a larger scale. Raxis takes precautions to safeguard the hash data through strong encryption when it is stored and in transit. After completing the password cracking task, we will securely delete the password hashes and provide you with a summarized report, which will include information on password strength, complexity, and analysis. In a Red Team Assessment, password cracking plays a crucial role in showcasing a genuine attack scenario.

  • Why use the Raxis team for your Red Team Assessment?

The Raxis Red Team is known for their unparalleled ability to identify real-life security threats through the use of techniques and tools employed by malicious attackers. Comprised of highly experienced members, most of whom boast at least 10 years of experience in performing cyber attacks, our team operates primarily out of Atlanta, GA. Our forte lies in pentesting, a crucial element of Red Teaming, and we strive to stay updated with the latest tactics to bypass various technological defenses. The Raxis crew is constantly broadening their knowledge on the most recent exploits to ensure we always offer a state-of-the-art simulation for our customers.


Cybersecurity Red Team

  • Red Team services are highly customizable, as every customer is unique
  • Powered by Raxis One, a secure web interface for all Raxis services
  • Fully capable of working with cloud providers and content delivery networks such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Cloudflare, Akamai, hybrid cloud, and SaaS solutions
  • Utilizes the same tools and techniques as a blackhat hacker
  • Exploitation, pivoting to other in-scope systems, and data exfiltration in scope
  • Executive debrief conference provided, if desired
  • Optional re-test to validate remediation
  • Remote and on-site, usually including social engineering
  • Based on the MITRE ATT&CK penetration testing framework
  • Meets or exceeds requirements for NIST 800-171/CMMC, PCI, HIPAA, GLBA, ISO 27001, and SOX
  • Available as a subscription service
  • Available as a one-time service
  • NIST 800-53 compliant