It Might be a Phishing Attempt . . .


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It Might be a Phishing Attempt . . .

Hackers and cybercrooks use lots of tools to get into your network and steal your information, but the cheapest, easiest, and most common is still by email phishing. Effective spam and virus filters can shield you from a lot of these attempts, but certainly not all. The most effective way to protect yourself is to educate your team. Toward that end, here is yet another reminder about some tell-tale signs in an email that it might be a phishing attempt. Of course, there are some other signs that tell you it’s definitely a phishing attempt.

  • If your CEO suddenly asks you to buy a ton of gift cards, it might be a phishing attempt. If she’s the type who also frets over the cost of paper clips, it’s definitely a phishing attempt.
  • If it’s a random news story from an outlet you don’t follow, it might be a phishing attempt. If the link points to, it’s definitely a phishing attempt.
  • If you see .ru in the email anywhere, it might be a phishing attempt. If it’s written in Cyrillic script, it’s definitely a phishing attempt.
  • If you vaguely remember your network admin warning you about the sender, it might be a phishing attempt. If she’s running toward you, waving her arms wildly, and shouting “nooooo!” it’s definitely a phishing attempt.
  • If it’s an unsolicited email, even from a reputable company, it might be a phishing attempt. If it’s from Facedook, Amazom, Microsfot, or Gooogle, it’s definitely a phishing attempt.
  • If your friend says she’s stranded in Japan, it might be a phishing attempt. If she hasn’t traveled outside the city since ‘N Sync broke up, it’s definitely a phishing attempt.
  • If it’s about your benefits or salary and you had no prior notice from HR, it might be a phishing attempt. If they misspelled HR, it’s definitely a phishing attempt.
  • If it’s from your significant other reminding you to bring home coffee, it might be a phishing attempt. It’s probably not a phishing attempt, but now you have a (lame) excuse if you forget.


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