Stay Afloat

“Don’t worry, I won’t go too fast.” — Mark Puckett, CEO

TL;DR — Mark went too fast.

A clear lake. A fast boat. A hot summer day.

You know — your typical business meeting . . . if your CEO is obsessed with speed like Mark Puckett is.

Here’s how it (we) went down:

Brian Tant is Raxis’ chief technology officer. Most days, he’s a genius. Not today. Brad Herring is the VP of business development. Most days, he uses really good judgment. Not this day. Bonnie Smyre is chief operating officer. Most days, she’s super professional. But, today? Today, she played sidekick to Mark’s super-prankster.

Long story short, the video above tells the tale of how two guys (who really should know better) trusted two professional hackers and social engineers, jumped on a floating tube of death, and experienced the joy of flight, followed swiftly by the agony of landing.

Okay, maybe it was a little too fast.
– Mark Puckett, CEO

A much smarter Brian Tant (wet on the left) and Brad Herring (wet on the right). Mark Puckett (dry on the boat).
A much smarter Brian Tant (wet on the left) and Brad Herring (wet on the right). Mark Puckett (dry on the boat).
Raxis X logo as document separator
raxis team members at the lake, about to fall out of a tube



PenTest As a SErvice

Penetration Testing as a Service doesn’t have to be a dressed up vulnerability scan. Raxis PTaaS delivers a solid pentest done right and when you need it.

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