New Branding Reflects Renewed Commitment to Your Security


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Raxis gets a new look as we head to the next level!

New Branding Reflects Renewed Commitment to Your Security

It’s official: Raxis has a new logo, a new look, and a new website that better represents the full range of services we offer. We’re excited about the rollout and thought it might be a good idea to explain the story behind the look.

Raxis CEO Mark Puckett launched our company in 2011 because he saw a glaring need for penetration testing that was more than just a checkbox exercise. Corporations needed to be challenged by innovative and relentless professionals who color outside the lines just like the bad guys. In the years since, we’ve established an incredible track record for successfully hacking into networks protected by some of the most advanced and sophisticated security available.

For the most part, our mission has been our marketing. Companies that have used our services are often amazed at how rapidly we can breach their defenses. Word spread quickly that your system hasn’t been tested until it’s been Raxis-tested. Our website and marketing materials, though effective, were secondary. As we take the company to the next level, however, we decided our brand needs to more accurately represent who we are and what (all) we do.

As you visit the new, here are some cool things to look for:

Yin and Yang: Notice the juxtaposition of red and blue, representing the two prominent aspects of our business. Red for attack. Blue for defense. It’s based on a martial arts principle – “The hand that strikes also blocks.”

The X-Factor: Take a close look at the ‘x’ in Raxis and you’ll see it’s the intersection of red and blue arrows. Red is dominant because all of our services are born from and based on our unrivaled attack skills.

The Color Purple: Most of our services fit pretty neatly into the attack or protect categories, but some are specialized or a mixture of the two. If you guessed that we created a new purple category for those, give yourself a pat on the back.

Tongue Meets Cheek: It’s hard to say if we have a lot of fun because we’re so good at our jobs – or if we’re that good because we have so much fun. Either way, we wanted our website to ‘sound’ like us, so, as you scroll through, notice that there’s a little lighter tone to much of our language. We take our jobs seriously, but we don’t peddle fear. 

4-0-Funny: As is always the case with a new website, we may lose or misname a link somewhere along the way. If that happens, wait a second and you’ll at least get a little entertainment for your trouble.

We hope you find the new site helpful, informative, and even entertaining. But if you find a mistake or a broken link, please let us know.


Raxis Attack

Continuous, expert-led PTaaS combined with advanced automation to uncover and address hidden vulnerabilities, ensuring your business stays ahead of evolving cyber threats while maintaining regulatory compliance.

Raxis Protect

Continuous vulnerability scanning, real-time asset management, and expert guidance to proactively identify and address security gaps across your entire digital ecosystem, ensuring 24/7 protection against evolving cyber threats.

Raxis Strike

Tailored, expert-led penetration testing that uncovers hidden vulnerabilities using real-world hacker techniques, providing actionable insights to strengthen your defenses and protect against sophisticated cyber threats.

Partner With Raxis

Partnering with Raxis empowers your business with elite penetration testing services, competitive reseller pricing, and recurring revenue opportunities, all backed by a proven track record of excellence and a commitment to staying ahead of evolving cybersecurity threats.

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