Clickjacking causes user to unknowingly purchase tickets
Realistically Assessing the Threat of Clickjacking Today

Raxis’ Lead Developer Adam Fernandez discusses clickjacking, explaining what it is and why it represents[…]

Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in ManageEngine AD Self Service Plus (CVE-2021-27956)
Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in ManageEngine AD Self Service Plus (CVE-2021-27956)

Raxis lead penetration tester Matt Dunn has uncovered a new cross-site scripting vulnerability in Manage[…]

Two people at laptops sending data at each other
Why Mutual Assured Destruction is an Incomplete Cyber Defense Strategy

Is the threat of full-scale retaliation enough to prevent large-scale cyberattacks? Raxis’ COO Bonnie Smyre,[…]

Go Phish
Phish Like the Pros

Phish attacks are a significant threat to all organizations. In this video Raxis’ Scottie Cole[…]