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ManageEngine Applications Manager Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-31813)

Raxis’ lead penetration tester Matt Dunn has discovered another ManangeEngine cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability, this[…]

Computer, tablet and smart phone
What You Need to Know (But Were Afraid to Ask) about Raxis Web App Testing

When testing web applications, the diverse skills Raxis brings to the table ensure that you[…]

Unescaped JavaScript Tags
ManageEngine Key Manager Plus Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2021-28382)

Raxis’ Lead Penetration Tester Matt Dunn discovers another cross-site scripting vulnerability in Zoho’s MangeEngine Key[…]

Raxis Transporter
Raxis’ Transporter Enables Remote Penetration Testing

The Raxis Transporter enables the company to conduct internal and wireless pentests remotely.