Metasploit Module: Azure AD Login Scanner
New Metasploit Module: Azure AD Login Scanner

Raxis’ Matt Dunn has published another Metasploit module, this one describing a vulnerability in Azure’s[…]

Mark Puckett
Meet the Team: Mark Puckett, CEO

How did Raxis come to be? Learn how Raxis’ founder and CEO Mark Puckett brought[…]

Cross-Site Scripting: Filter Evasion & Sideloading Payloads
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Filter Evasion and Sideloading

In this second in a series, learn how to perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks such[…]

Brad Herring
Meet the Team: Brad Herring, VP of Business Development

Brad Herring is the Raxis VP of Business Development — the first person most of[…]