Cool Tools Series: Host Discovery
Cool Tools Series: Host Discovery

Raxis’ pentester, Scottie Cole, leads off our new Cool Tools Series with tips on tools[…]

Raxis PTaaS uses AI along with talented human pentesters to keep your company secure
How Artificial Intelligence Will Power Raxis Continuous Penetration Testing

Artificial intelligence will soon be one of the engines driving Raxis’ continuous penetration testing offering.[…]

Penetration Testing Price vs Value
How Much Should You Pay for a Penetration Test?

How much do penetration tests cost? Raxis CEO Mark Puckett explains how to make sure[…]

Go Phish
Phish Like the Pros

Phish attacks are a significant threat to all organizations. In this video Raxis’ Scottie Cole[…]

Woman with padlocks
Helping Nonprofits and Other Growing Businesses Understand Security Risks

Raxis COO Bonnie Smyre was honored to be invited to write a guest blog post[…]

Top Five Actions NOT to Take When Your Pentest Results are High Risk
Top Five Actions NOT to Take When Your Pentest Results are High Risk

Raxis CTO, Brian Tant, explains why the worst thing to do with negative pentest results[…]

Goodies for Hoodies: TCP Timestamps
Goodies for Hoodies: TCP Timestamps

Does your penetration test always return a low-risk finding about TCP Timestamps? Why worry about[…]

IKE VPNs Supporting Aggressive Mode
IKE VPNs Supporting Aggressive Mode

In this post we’ll look at why IKE VPNs with Aggressive Mode enabled continue to[…]

Raxis API Tool
Raxis API Tool

Raxis Lead Developer, Adam Fernandez, has developed a tool to use for testing JSON-based REST[…]

Web Attacks: Insecure Transmission of Data
Web Attacks: Insecure Transmission of Data

Raxis COO Bonnie Smyre discusses the vulnerabilities that arise when web apps transmit data insecurely[…]

Hacker in a ski mask
Hopefully You’re Not Next

Raxis CEO Mark Puckett discusses current cybersecurity threats and why it doesn’t pay to be[…]

Penetration Testing is a Critical Tool For Your Business
Penetration Testing is a Critical Tool For Your Business

Raxis VP of Business Development discussed pentesting as a helpful tool. CISO’s need not fear[…]